Laugfs IPO Basis of Allotment - Guide to CSE


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Laugfs IPO Basis of Allotment

Finally Laugfs Gas has announced the basis of allotment for their heavily oversubscribed IPO. Employees and GAS Dealers will get their full amount while others will get their shares as follows.

Customer Category – Voting and Non Voting

Applicants who applied under customer category for 100 to 3000 shares will receive in full. Applicants for 3100 to 10000 shares will get 50% or minimum of 3000 shares. 10100 to 100000 shares will receive 30% of the applied subject to minimum of 5000 shares. Applicants who applied 100100 or above under customer category will get 17.75% subject to minimum of 30000 shares. Applicants for non voting shares under this category will receive their shares in same basis but above 100100 shares will get 19.75% subject to minimum of 30000 shares.

Public Category – Voting Shares

Up to 200 shares will receive in full and 300 to 5000 shares will receive 200 shares plus 15% of the total applied. Investors applied for 5100 to 10000 shares will get 1000 shares plus 10% of the difference between shares applied and 5000. From 10100 to 100000 shares 1500 shares plus 6% of the difference between shares applied and 10000. From 10100 to one million shares will receive 6900 plus 4% of the difference between shares applied and 100000. Applicants applied for more than one million will receive 42900 shares plus 3.7% of difference between shares applied and one million.

Public Category – Non Voting Shares

Up to 200 shares will get the full allotment and 300 to 5000 shares will receive 200 shares plus 15% of the applied. From 5100 to 10000 shares will receive 1000 shares plus 8% of the difference between shares applied and the 5000. Applicants for 10100 to 100000 shares will get 1400 shares plus 5% of the difference between shares applied and the 10000. From 100100 to one million shares will receive 5900 plus 3.9% of difference between shares applied and the 100000. Applicants for over one million shares will receive 41000 shares plus 3.3% of the difference between shares applied and the one million. 

Adopted from Stock Market Today 

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